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Cap-Channeling Olympians

6 December 2022

Thanks to a late night of work stress, I gotess sleep l than desired, even more so because my body woke me up with my mind racing at 4:15 am instead of my targeted 5:15 am alarm. While that early rise did give me time to get some physical therapy stretch cords and light yoga done, along with a sufficient amount of caffeine before my swim, I wasn't feeling super peppy until near the end of the workout when I put on a cap my oldest daughter got from one of her Olympian friends back in her UBC days ...

I took some liberties with the order of my workout to do this:

Warmup sets (1,000 total)

  • 1 x 400: IM, kick-drill by 25s

  • 6 x 50: on 0:50, light descends, 3 free (35.6, 34.5, 32.5), 3 back (38.4, 35.8, 35.1)

  • 10 x 25: on 1:00 per pair, odd laps fast into strong turns, evens easy

    • Fly - 16.5, 16.1

    • Back - 16.7, 16.1

    • Free - 15.2

  • 1 x 50: easy

Set #1 (750 set / 1,750 total)

  • 12 x 50: on 1:00, descend #1 to #3, #4 easy

    • Free - 34.1, 31.6, 30.2

    • Back - 36.1, 33.7, 22.4

    • Free - 33.0, 31.0, 30.2

  • 3 x 50: active recovery

Set #2 (350 set / 2,100 total)

  • 12 x 25: on 1:15 per pair, odd laps fast, alternate dolphin, flutter

  • 1 x 50: easy

Set #4 (650 sets / 2,750 total)

  • 1 x 300: kick for time, going 50 dolphin - 25 flutter, 4:25.7

  • 7 x 50: active recovery on 0:40, 0:45, 0:50, 0:55, 1:00, 1:05

Chlorine Daddy 200s - 2 Weeks Out (750 set / 3,500 total)

It took me until this set to finally feel like I had power and speed. Maybe it was really the cap??

2 rounds of:

  • 4 x 50: fast on 1:30, 1:15, 1:15, 1:00

  • 3 x 50: active recovery on 1:00, 1:15, 1:45

I went IM order within each round

  • Fly - 29.9, 30.2 = 30.1 average vs 31.2, 30.6, 30.6 averages on weeks 1 - 3

  • Back - 31.0, 30.5 = 30.7 average vs 31.4, 31.0, 31.0 averages on weeks 1 - 3

  • Breast = 37.3, 36.6 = 36.9 average

  • Free - 28.7, 28.0 = 28.4 average vs 29.2, 29.3, 289.9 averages on weeks 1 - 3

On the last round of recovery 50s, I went four instead of doing the planned three.


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