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Bailed on the Brute

8 November 2022

After racing on Sunday and taking Monday largely off exercise aside from a morning gentle hike and some stretching-oriented yoga, I thought I'd been feeling recovered enough to make attempt #1 at the Brute Squad virtual event: a continuously timed 200 fly, 400 IM and 1650 free.

As I got into the warmup, though, my body was feeling far from restored and so I switched my focus to a shorter, still recovery-oriented session:

  • 1 x 400: IM, kick-drill

  • 4 x 100: on 1:30, backstroke descend, 1:21, 1:20, 1:17, 1:16

  • 1 x 400: kick for time, dolphin-flutter by 25 w/board - 6:13

  • 6 x 50: freestyle gentle descend in 3s, 3 on 0:50 w/snorkel, 3 on 45 swim

  • 6 x "50": on 1:00, #1 and #6 cruise, #2 to #5 as 25 strong stroke IM order, 25 cruise

    • 15.4, 16.3, 18.8, 15.6

  • 1 x 100: try to cruise at target 3,000 for time pace, 1:07.3 split as 33.4 / 33.9

  • 1 x 100: recovery

TOTAL: 2,000 SCY

I'm still aiming to do my final "race" for the 3,000 yard virtual event this Friday. I might try the Brute Squad Lite race tomorrow, but will see how I feel.


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