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Bulk up the volume to Bonk

23 October 2022

After my roughly seven week break following US Masters Nationals in early August, where I averaged on slightly more than 5,000 meters of swimming a week, I started back training the week starting September 26th with a plan to gradually increase my weekly volume by 2,500 meters per week. My plan and actual results over the last four weeks:

Week Starting Target Volume Actual Volume

Sep 26th 12.5K 11.0K

Oct 3rd 15.0K 15.6K

Oct 10th 17.5K 15.9K

Oct 17th 20.0K 17.6K

So, as is often the case with me, my ambitions exceed my eventual reality ... but I'm still generally on a good road back, and have plenty of time before my major racing season next spring (late March through late May).

Today, I intended to repeat a main set that I had done back in 2009 and 2011. Those were both done in SCM on a 1:30/100 pace, so I dropped the interval for yards to 1:20/100.

As I went through the set today, I did the first repeat of each distance using a snorkel and then swam the remaining repeats normally. My intent was to gradually descend my average 100 pace throughout the set, but I really struggled to do that. When I got to the 200s and 100s, I decided to mix things up and did #2 and #4 of each of those as backstroke on a 1:30/100 interval time. I wore my FINIS Smart Goggles so I could painfully see in exacting detail how slow I was ;)

Converting my 2009 and 2011 times from SCM to SCY using Swimming World's Time Converter (as best as possible given the conversion factors available)

1 x 500:

  • 2009 - 6:01 in SCM = 5:28 SCY

  • 10-22-2011 - 6:22 in SCM = 5:47 in SCY

  • 10-23-2022 - 6:00.3 (average 1:12.1)

2 x 400:

  • 2009 - 4:49 & 4:48 in SCM = 4:23, 4:22 in SCY

  • 10-22-2011 - 5:04 & 4:51 in SCM = 4:37, 4:28 in SCY

  • 10-23-2022 - 4:47.2, 4:45.5 (average 1:11.8. 1:11.4)

3 x 300:

  • 2009 - 3:37, 3:35, 3:37 in SCM = 3:16, 3:14, 3:16 in SCY

  • 10-22-2011 - 3:37, 3:39, 3:47 in SCM = 3:16, 3:18, 3:25 in SCY

  • 10-23-2022 - 3:36.5, 3:33.5, 3:35 (average 1:12.2, 1:11.2, 1:11.7)

4 x 200:

  • 2009 - 2:24, 2:24, 2:22, 2:23 in SCM = 2:10, 2:10, 2:08, 2:09 in SCY

  • 10-22-2011 - 2:30+, 2:25+, 2:23+, 2:23 in SCM = 2:15, 2:11, 2:10+, 2:10 in SCY

  • 10-23-2022 - freestyle - 2:26.3, 2:19.4 (average 1:13.2, 1:09.7)

5 x 200:

  • 2009 - 1:11s in SCM = 1:04s in SCY

  • 10-22-2011 - 1:10+ to 1:13 in SCM = 1:03 to 1:06 in SCY

  • 10-23-2022 - freestyle - 1:14.7, 1:07.9, 1:10.4

Ugh ... the body certainly has deteriorated in the last 11 years, but, while painful, this felt satisfying to complete.


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