By any metric, my efforts to add new pools in 2017 was bountiful
4 countries - US, Canada, India and Nepal
40 cities
9 states in the US - including Minnesota making its debut on my list
2 provinces in Canada
2 states in India
... covering 58 new pools, a record year!

I always enjoy a good swim, and usually can find something redeemable in just about any pool I visit, but I got to experience some truly remarkable facilities this year:
The new UBC swim center
I completed my effort to swim in all nine of the San Francisco Rec & Parks pools (which reminds me that I need to write that accomplishment up!)
... and after 20 years in the Valley of the Sun, I finally added the last City of Scottsdale pool (a bit of an embarrassment it took me this long)
I ended 2017 with 327 pools on the list and an impressive looking trend line...

... but, I suspect with my change in job and dramatically reduced business travel, I'll (very happily) slow down the additions over the next few years.