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Drawing Triangles in the Lake

10 June 2022

My #swim #goal this morning was to make a right triangle, with two 1,000 meter legs and to see how close I could come to making the hypotenuse 1,414 meters.

There is a perfect sight line from #OrrLake park for the first leg, heading towards both a two story house and a "cut line" in the forest on the hill on the north side. Heading west along the lake is another white house that stands out, but I had to divert from my straight(ish) line as I approached that as a stand of "sea grass" vegetation has already grown out of the water in the shallower part nearing that shoreline. The challenge of completing the triangle is two fold:

  • First, and this is not a complaint as I love the sun, but, at this time of the year and the morning (I dove in at 6:30am), I am swimming back directly into the sun.

  • Secondly, Orr Lake park is a narrow strip of land, probably the smallest public park I've ever seen, with no "sight marker" that stands out noticeably while you're in the water. I always end up doing a lot more breaststroke as I try to find it coming back. To that point, while today was just about distance and not speed, I went from a 1:38/100M average on the 2500 meters (after my first easy/warmup 500) to a 1:46/100M average on the last 596 meters.

The wind was up this morning and the water was wavy and chilly at the start (60°F), but had already warmed at the shoreline to 64°F after being in for almost exactly an hour. As I'm a cold water wimp, I did wear my sleeveless #wetsuit, a now ancient low-end XTERRA WETSUITS that has served me very well for easily a decade or more, an equally old early model of TYR Sport open water goggles and a neoprene blueseventy cap.

Not a bad 3,596 meter start to my Friday, #GPS tracking courtesy of my Garmin #Swim2 watch.


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