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Rest Easy

2 August 2022

I figured I would do about 1,500 yards today and just do efforts that seemed appropriate for where my body is and what amount of rest I felt like I needed. Based upon the warmup and the first few sets of 50s, I felt like I needed to go shorter and easier so only did the following:

  • 1 x 400: IM kick, drill

  • 10 x 50: done straight through as

    • 3 x 50: free on 0:50, smooth descend with snorkel, was 35, 33, 31, but the 31 took more effort than I would have liked it to

    • 3 x 50: dolphin/flutter kick on 1:00, smooth descend, was 44+, 42, 38+ and, again, the last one took a bit much

    • 3 x 50: back on 0:55, descend, was 39, 35, 34

    • 1 x 50: easy

  • 4 x 25: odds strong, fly then free, evens easy

  • 1 x 50: easy

  • 1 x 50: strong freestyle but trying to feel like a 400 race pace, was 0:30

  • 1 x 50: easy

TOTAL: 1,150 yards

I just need to rest and relax now. The work is done.


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