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Hacking of (not quite) Olympic proportions

5 October 2021

Though not quite as grand a setting as some of the pools I've swum at over the week, the Arundel Olympic Swim Center was yet another 50 meter by 25 yard pool with generous lap swimming hours, deep water (my lane was 13 feet deep), plenty of digital pace clocks and enough patrons to keep this place open, but not so many that I had to share a lane!

I did a typical 1,050 warmup:

  • 1 x 400: IM kick-drill by 25

  • 4 x 100: on 1:20, free descend w/snorkel (1:12, 1:10, 1:09, 1:04)

  • 8 x 25: on 0:30, odds easy, evens build to fast IM

  • 1 x 50: easy

And then did one of my favorite test sets, aiming to swim the set more true to how I was taught, keeping the 'moderate' 50s at Threshold Pace as lately I've been using those more as recovery.

Hackett 200 IM Test Set

16 x 50: on 0:45, 1 at race pace IM order, 3 at Threshold Pace free w/snorkel (held 33s)

  • 11/26/14 - 29+,31, 36+, 28 = 2:05

  • 01/07/16 - 30+, 31+, 36, 28 = 2:06

  • 10/18/20 - 31, 33, 38, 29+ =2:13+

  • 10/05/21 - 32, 34, 40, 29 = 2:15

1 x 50: easy drill/kick with snorkel on 2:00

12 x 50: on 0:50, 1 at race pace IM order, 2 at Threshold Pace free w/snorkel (held 32/32+s)

  • 11/26/14 - 29,30, 36, 27 = 2:02

  • 01/07/16 - 30, 31, 36, 28 = 2:05

  • 10/18/20 - 30+, 33, 38, 29 = 2:10+

  • 10/05/21 - 31, 32+, 38, 28+ = 2:10

1 x 50: easy drill/kick with snorkel on 2:00

8 x 50: on 0:55, 1 at race pace IM order, 1 at Threshold Pace free w/snorkel (held 31+/32s)

  • 11/26/14 - 28+, 30+, 35, 26+ = 2:00+

  • 01/07/16 - 29+, 30+, 36, 27+ = 2:03+

  • 10/18/20 - 30+, 32, 38, 28+ = 2:09

  • 10/05/21 - 30, 33, 37, 27+ = 2:07+

4 x 50: on 1:00, all at target race pace

  • 11/26/14 - 28, 30, 36, 27 = 2:01

  • 01/07/16 - 29, 30, 36, 27 = 2:02+

  • 10/18/20 - 31, 32, 39, 29 = 2:11

  • 10/05/21 - 29, 31+, 37, 28 = 2:05+

6 x 50: active recovery, aiming to make the intervals by 0:05, on 0:35, 0:40, 0:45, 0:50, 0:55

I haven't been doing much IM work lately at race pace, so this felt good to power through. As for the pool, this will become my "go-to" training pool when I'm here for meetings at my company's office since it is only 15 minutes away. It certainly makes business travel much more palatable when you wake up with a fast swim in a nice pool.


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